Υπάρχουν διαμερίσματα τα οποία, καλώς ή κακώς έχουν μικρή κουζίνα. Και εσύ θες να εκμεταλλευτείς όσον το δυνατόν περισσότερο τους χώρους που σου δίνονται;
There are apartments which, rightly or wrongly have kitchenettes. And you want to exploit as much as possible places given to you?
There are apartments which, rightly or wrongly have kitchenettes. And you want to exploit as much as possible places given to you?
Σου έχουμε 5+1 τρικ για να κερδίσεις λίγο χώρο!
We have 5+1 tricks to gain more space!
Κάντε χρήσιμα τα γωνιακά ντουλάπια - Make corner cabinets useful
Καταρχήν όλοι έχουμε πετύχει αυτά τα γωνιακά ντουλάπια, που ποτέ δε μας εξυπηρετούσαν. Μήπως έβαζες πολλά πράγματα και το μετέτρεπες σε αποθήκη; Ή "πετώντας" εκεί διάφορα θα ανακαλύψεις "θησαυρούς" στην επόμενη μετακόμιση;
First of all we all came across those corner cabinets, which never served us. Did you put a lot of things and turned it into depot? Or by throwing in various things there you will discover "treasures" on the next moving?
First of all we all came across those corner cabinets, which never served us. Did you put a lot of things and turned it into depot? Or by throwing in various things there you will discover "treasures" on the next moving?
Να ξέρεις πως στο εμπόριο υπάρχουν ειδικοί μηχανισμοί για τέτοιες περιπτώσεις, που κυριολεκτικά θα σου λύσουν τα χέρια και θα μπορείς να έχεις εύκολη πρόσβαση στα αντικείμενα που αποθηκεύεις. Έτσι και θα κερδίσεις ένα ακόμα πολυπόθητο ντουλάπι και θα τα έχεις όλα τακτοποιημένα.
You must know that there are in market specific mechanisms for such cases, which would literally solve your hands and you can have easy access to items stored. So you will win another much desired closet and have everything neat.
You must know that there are in market specific mechanisms for such cases, which would literally solve your hands and you can have easy access to items stored. So you will win another much desired closet and have everything neat.